Ive Been Here for 4 Frickin Years???

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Christ almighty, I'm gone for a little while and everyone's testicles crawl inside and rename themselves ovaries.

Yes, I am still alive and kicking. I got a distinction in my Aerospace Eng. Diploma and have recently been offered a job at Thomas Cook Airlines for a three year technicians apprenticeship. I'm moving to a tiny one bedroom apartment over in Manchester (about 60 mile from where I live now) and I'm going to live like a bum for a year until I get a proper wage (I'm only on £12k for the first year).
Dan - are you getting all sentimental and soft? You should go crush someone instantly to repent

PD - good deal and congratulations.
Yeah, thanks for sharing your humanity and loving care with us, Dan.

EDIT: I read the whole thread and learned what happened to CC SheepLover.

Yeah, thanks for sharing your humanity and loving care with us, Dan.

EDIT: I read the whole thread and learned what happened to CC SheepLover.

The first toast on the agenda will for the veterans, for those that served, serve, will serve, for those that made the ultimate sacrifice....

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