Yep - again, welcome to the wonderful world of Late War Luftwaffe colours! And also remember, your gloss coat will change the colours again on you!
I put down a thin coat of RLM82 (Bright Green) and two Coats of RLM83 (Dark Green) this afternoon on this D-11 (looking nice and 'patchey', in much the same way that Wayne does it
) and under the lighting I was using at the time, I would have sworn I SCREWED UP the bix mix of RLM83 I knocked up; it looked more like the greener variants of RLM81 Brown-Violet! Thankfully now that its dried, its taken on more of a olive drab green tone - still need to put a second coat on the RLM82 tomorrow however, to make it denser. Was quite happy with how I've been able to 'layer' things though; another of my experiments, based on observing some of Wayne's work! The RLM83 went on over some RLM82 (to give the gun cover a different shade), over some black primer (to give it that slightly oxidised look) and over some other RLM83 (to give it a deeper, denser look).
But yeah, morale of the story is Jan, if the lighting is representative of the colours, it looks more 81/83 (Brown-Violet/Dark-Green) than 82/83 (Bright-Green/Dark-Green) - there is just not enough 'tonal difference' or contrast between the colours, in my opinion.