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What you consider beer in the old colonies, might drastically differ from what I consider beer, I'll stick with the White lightning thank you very much! :lol:

Quoteth the Swetish Brit! :toothy5:

I do have to admit that I would take a Fullers IPA on tap over a Lewinsky. But then that's just me.
Last weekend Bill (N4521U) and I managed to get together while he was in South Oz for a couple of weeks holiday, couldn't let the occasion pass without a Pic!


  • Wayne  Bill- WW2.Net_2157a.jpg
    Wayne Bill- WW2.Net_2157a.jpg
    118 KB · Views: 112
Ah man, you made my gut bigger didn't you!!!!!!!

In spite of that.... it was a great meeting.
And Wayne has wayyyyyyyyy to many kits in his stash!

It was great going with Wayne to see Craig at Aeroworks. He has a great selection of kits and books, AND he has accessory kits IN STOCK. A wealth of knowledge and can get anything one could want. I got three of my Davidson flown kits and he's working on another. I just wish he was in the Sydney area.

Thanks Wayne.

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