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Sunburned? Really!? I thought you guys were in England. Isn't that an impossibility there, or against the law or something.
Seriously guys you look worn out. Must have been quite a day.

When I was a young bloke in San Francisco I got stopped on the street and lectured by a local when I referred to the City as Frisco... it's like saying Saint Frank. Picky I know, I am sorry.
Here's a new shot of Karl and I (Rochie and Airframes), taken at the end of the air show at Cosford last Sunday - and heck, do I look knackered!
With those sunburned cheeks and puffy eyes (lack of sleep) I could be a stand-in for a Bloodhound!

Did you two actually see any planes from inside the beer tent

I never smile in photos just wouldn't do and why break the habit of a lifetime?
Beer tent? If there was one, it would have been eleventeen deep at the bar!
Nope, aircraft, cameras and beer don't mix - I had enough problems with my crippled hands trying to work a new camera, without being bladdered as well!
When I was a young bloke in San Francisco I got stopped on the street and lectured by a local when I referred to the City as Frisco... it's like saying Saint Frank. Picky I know, I am sorry.
Frisco is a term I learned from my fellow southern Californians (born and raised in Orange County) over the years...

Folks from the bay area are kind particular, I guess...when they would come down to visit SoCal, they claimed they were northern Californians, but when they come to Redding, they insist they are southern Californians and if you ever want to confuse them, ask them what ever happened to central California!
Beer tent? If there was one, it would have been eleventeen deep at the bar!
Nope, aircraft, cameras and beer don't mix - I had enough problems with my crippled hands trying to work a new camera, without being bladdered as well!

Ummm...that is a problem unless Karl took the photos
Where there is a will there is a way.

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