It'll be nice to see it underway Maria. If you still have trouble getting the kit, let me know and I'll get it and send it over to you, with a C.D with a selection of books.
Andy, I'd change paints tomorrow, even after almost fifty years of using them, if there were alternative enamels available locally - all I can get are Humbrol enamels, or Tamiya acrylics. I'm not that keen on the latter, not that there's anything wrong with them. But as you know, they require Tamiya thinner, very expensive in the tiny bottles available here, and again, Isopropyl isn't available locally. So, it's either put up with it, or order via mail order, which I think I'll end up doing, and only get 'emergency' or basic colours locally if needed in a hurry. I'll probably try White Ensign Enamels or, if I change fully to acrylis, which I doubt, it'll be Vallejo.
Anyway, made a lot of progress today/tonight, although once again Bumbrol dropped another gooly. The tin of matt yellow I bought only around four weeks ago, opened and used once, has already gone hard! So, hunting around for something to use to paint the wingtips, tailplanes and rudder, I settled on Revell Aqua Color gloss yellow acrylic, which I'd been given, along with a bunch of other Revell paints, a few weeks ago. As this can be thinned with good old 'tapolina', water to the uneducated, I gave it a try, after first adding a tiny spot of red, to get the shade more like RLM 04, and test - spraying on an old model in order to establish the best thinning ratio and see how it performed.
With this done, the Emil was masked as required, and the yellow applied to the wingtips, the tailplane tips and the top segment of the rudder. The 'No Step' walkway lines were also brush painted at the same time, after laying down the pattern with Tamiya masking tape, using the handy Revell red acrylic. I'm happy to say that the results were acceptable, with only one tiny 'spike' where I apparently hadn't fully sealed the tape. I'd have preferred to use matt enamels, as I wanted to obtain the effect of the temporary distemper-type paints used for these I.D. colours, but I can work on this later.
The pics show the model masked, ready for painting the yellow areas, and the red walkway lines, and with the tape removed after painting.
Thanks very much again for your interest and complimentary comments, and boy, am I looking forward to the BoB GB!!