Missing members

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Thanks guys and yes, I miss the Girls too, but the it appears they were too risky to have on the server for fear they would corrupt the search engines' spiders and lead them astray to a life of shenanigans and debauchery (I know nothing of shenanigans and debauchery, I'm just going by the word on the street, you know), resulting in a collapse of society as we know it.

So they were whisked away into hiding for the greater good.
I'm still here. Thanks for reaching out to me on FB Marcel.

Weird how life changes your perspectives and priorities. A few changes going on and my job is keeping me super busy. I really haven't been active on FB either. Mostly all it comes down to is being lazy and making the time. I never thought I'd be away from this site for so long and I feel kinda bad about it. Must do better.....must do better....must do better!

Welcome back!
Yeah I noticed you weren't on Facebook, too. So I wanted to make sure you were okay.

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