My Birthday Bash !

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Good to see the 15 year old birthday boy and all the other teenagers had a good time. Yup, slow recovery time there for a teenager too - but clearly worth it. Hope the rest of the week can be spent chilling out. Happy Birthday for Wednesday.
Just catching up to this. Fifteen, eh? You don't look a day older that fourteen.
Like the 'Allo' Allo! theme. (Listen very carefully I shall shay this only once.) Glad you had fun Terry. Wish you speedy recovery from the party and a very Happy Birthday my friend.
Thanks again guys!
And yes Matt, that's my 'local' - a very dangerous place. One has to have written affidavits from both Great Grand Parents, to be able to leave the place !!
And, come Wednesday night, after returning from a visit to the RAF Museum at Cosford, Karl (Rochie) and I, have to 'suffer' another night of rounds of drinks. Oh dear, how sad, never mind ...... !

Did you contact the brewery to make sure they have enough grog!!!!!!


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