My old friend Meatloaf.

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Thank you all!
Meatloaf died today sometime between when I had to leave for work at 12:30pm and my wife coming home at 2:30pm on her lunch break. Our female Chihuahua, Crowbar, was laying with him when Frances came in, so we know he wasn't alone.
If I am half the person any of my dogs have ever thought I was, I have indeed lived a good life.

Green fields little Meatloaf, RIP.

Paul, my deepest condolences to you and the Mrs.

My condolences my friend. As I told you on facebook, pets are family, all they want is love. You gave him the best thing you could offer, your love and a good home. He knew and felt this.
Sorry for your loss.
Losing a pet is always traumatic but do your best to remember all the good times you spent with Meatloaf over the years. Also remember that any other pets you have will need to be looked after more closely during their grieving process. They may not grieve in the same manner as us but they do sense the loss on some level.

Thank you all!
I am back after a period of non-model building. Mainly because I was taking care of Meatloaf, and then mourning him.
I will still be taking a couple of days to get up to speed, I am going to re-visit my childhood by building a Monogram Sturmgescheutez IV that I was lucky enough to find on an old model kit web site.
This kit was one that I built at an early age, and the first that I actually painted the crew.
I researched the uniforms, via "World At War", and figured that the spotted camouflage worn by the panzer crews was in Testors green, brown and yellow, at the end, I was quite proud.
I will probably not use the same colors this time.

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