Nakajima Saiun prototype in a hangar dio

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Just fantastic Panagiotis!!!

My friend Hirohiko will be very interested in this - his grandfather designed the Saiun!
That sounds very interesting..ANY kind of information most welcome!!!

Hi again!
Well, with some added detail such as seats, etc the cockpit area is almost done...a detail is missing though..

Spraying and painting done..

Weeeellll,.....SORRY!!!!, no cushions please!-the experts say- ...the crew sat on their parachutes

OK then!..Let it be...

The 730 lt drop tank and its stand

That's all folks!! Thanks for your comments and support..

Sore dewa!


P.S.:Any news from Hirohiko?????
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Mate...just fantastic!!!! Seems a shame to close her up and hide some of that detail!

Btw, will try and contact my friend re info on his grandfather and the design process.
Amazing. Can you bear to close it all up? Hope the photo's follow the finished bird to any display/shows to allow a peek of the inside.
Thank you all for your most encouraging comments!!!

Well some moreprogress here..

That is all for now my friends!!

See you soon..


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