Nakajima Saiun prototype in a hangar dio

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Please tell me you are an engineer so that I can convince myself that years of schooling gives me an iota of self worth. Otherwise, I must concede that your skills make make my degree and professional life pale in comparison.
Thank you all gentlemen for your kind comments!!
Shinpachi,yes!..I am sick!! I confess!!!...
Matt, I'm not an engineer..I'm a teacher!!..It's just a matter of looking at hundreds of photographs..

Btw, Panagiotis, my mate who's grandfather designed the original will be visiting here in Budapest next weekend. Anything you want me to ask him about?
Btw, Panagiotis, my mate who's grandfather designed the original will be visiting here in Budapest next weekend. Anything you want me to ask him about?
Are you kiddin' me???? Anything you like! What's his name and surname??? Let's start from scratch!!
Good as gold mate!

If I remember rightly, the design was simply a stretched version of the B6N, and my mate Hirohiko's grandfather designed the new fueslage. Will ask him as much as I can anyway.
Good as gold mate!

If I remember rightly, the design was simply a stretched version of the B6N, and my mate Hirohiko's grandfather designed the new fueslage. Will ask him as much as I can anyway.
Much obliged!I'll be waiting..Thanks a lot!!
In August 1945 when the war was over, all staff of Nakajima Aircraft swore "We will never be proud of what we did during the war. All those aircrafts we produced killed a lot of young people who had their great future. That should be our great regret and shame."

Nakajima Aircraft survived as Fuji Heavy Industries in the postwar and they still never talk about the war paying no attention to any restoring projects or requests about their old aircrafts.

If possible, A4K, will you ask your Japanese friend what his grandfather talked about this pledge
to his family? I am very curious.
Hi guys from austerity stricken Greece and once again many thanks for your encouraging comments!

While waiting for A4K mate's info, here comes another update dedicated to the hangar where the Saiun prototype was supposed to have been built back in May 1943..

Well, that is what I'll share with you today..The material is all from evergreen strips...

I am building part of the big hangar door too..

That is all for now..Next I'll focus on the corrugated aluminum,which is going to cover 1 of the 4 sides of my dio..


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