Nakajima Saiun prototype in a hangar dio

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Thanking you all again for your words of support, here I am again with lots of paint work.Here I go then.:

Masking for hours...

Not bad for a start...FOR A START I repeat... lol!!...

There's a word called rust...It stuck to my mind for weeks...You'll soon find out what I mean..

Taking as accurate measuring as possible..

Then I started a heavy wash..A big mistake as it proved to be..unfortunately...

After adding some rust patches the exterior corrugated siding looked like sh.........., well, I won't say the rest..!

However, to my eyes, the interior was much better...And consequently it remained untouched..

A dry fit to see how things were getting..

That is all for now my friends..Will be back soon, I promise..


Your work reminds me of my old working place built in 1943.
I wish I were there too, my friend!

I'm most obliged for your flattering comments gentlemen!!

Well,time for some more progress..

As I said in my previous post I didn't like the look of the exterior siding so I went on to repaint it leaving only the upper part untouched..

Then I left myself free to follow no rules and here's what I mean..

Then I added some window framing..

Corrugated panels could ot be cemented with glue, could they??

That is how I put the 130 or maybe more rivets

The final look of the exterior..

Time to cement the siding and the door to the wooden base..

After all that paint work the bottom of the corrugated looked like that!!

I managed somehow to straighten it and glue it on the ground..

Speaking of the ground I had another failed attempt to make it lood to my eyes..

Sh... happens they say, do they??

The ground still looked very 'wooden' so it certainly had to look concrete..At any cost!!!...

In my next post I'll show you the final look of the ground as well as the finished 9 figures of the mechanics who were trying desperately to find out where the prototype was !!...

Best regards,

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