Nakajima Saiun prototype in a hangar dio

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Gentlemen of the forum,
Thank you very much once again for your nice comments on the Saiun project..
At last the hangar part project is near to completion with only some tiny details remaining..

While I started working on the ground weathering

my good friend Theodoros Kelesidis from Salonica,Greece, sent me the nine figures of the diorama which he had promised to paint as he did in my previous Betty diorama..

I also took some photos of the Myrt and some of the elements of the diorama..

Here one of the guys says that he doesn't like the color of the plywood and that the whole screen needed stronger attachment on the floor and he made me correct things a bit!!.. lol!...

The final look of the ground with some oil stains and patches remaining..

The last addition to the hangar structure was the electrical installation..Well, a tiny part of it!..

Well, it's time to get out of the area and go back to the prototype!!..

Thank you for looking at the photos guys!


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Man oh man, it looks real in some of those pics!!!!!

I will be straight up and say this is some of the finest diorama work I've ever seen - full credit to ya mate!
Hello guys! I'm really pleased with your encouraging comments and I do thank you for that!!
After so many weeks dealing with the hangar it was high time I got back to the neglected bird!!
Whether you believe it or not it was July 3rd 2011, exactly one year ago, when I started with the project and the Myrt especially..
Well, I focused on the transparent parts which gave me a lot of headache but an unexpected result as you'll see in the end.
I would also like to apologise for any Greek appearing in the photos..I started with taking off the two back seats and replacing the belts with new ones..

As for the pilot's seat,the belts of which were replaced too,I made another bungee cord

The wheels were taken care too..After all that grinding the thin plastic looked very much realistic..

Well,here comes the beautiful squadron canopy, oh!! and the trouble too!!..

I learned the hard way that before you mask..

and paint it..

you should cut it off..

I also separated the two rear parts

and dry fitted everything on the Myrt..

I sprayed the blue black in the engine area,well..what's left of it!!..

I washed the model using burnt umber oil..

and then started the task of putting painted strips on the transparent parts..

a way I used to apply to all my latest models including the Stuka..

As for the Myrt and its loooooooooooooooong canopy..

I didn't quite like the look of it as the adhesive looked messy and masked it on the model!!..

The result being disappointing, I removed the canopy with no further trouble..

All the clear parts had a lovely solvent bath

Then the idea of the aluminium sheet got into my mind

and you'll see the rest in the pics..

Here the guy says that the canopy looks better to his!!

At this point I have to mention that it wasn't arbiratry of me to leave the canopy unpainted since the 1st prototype was far from ready to be tested for flight and this too is shown throughout the model..

Well, that is all for now guys..Thank you very much for looking at my work!!..



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