With the help of the members of this forum, and in particular seesul (THANKS Roman!), I have been able to re-establish contact with one of the old friends I was searching for!
After sending a tentative letter to the address in Iowa, U.S.A., provided by seesul, tonight I received an e-mail from Bob Kirkpatrick, who I lost touch with at least six or seven years ago.
Bob, an American, was in the R.C.A.F. during WW2, and flew Beaufighters, and later, Mosquitos with 21 Sqn. R.A.F., taking part in numerous raids, including the famous attack on 'Shell House', the Gestapo H.Q. in Copenhagen, Denmark, on March 21 1945.
Bob continued flying, in various civilian roles, until the late 1980's, and has some amusing (and hairy!) stories from this period. I have, of course, just e-mailed him, and have mentioned this forum, asking if he would be willing to describe some of his wartime 'adventures', either directly, or via myself.
Hopefully, we can look forward to some interesting tales, about operations, and about the Mosquito.
I can't describe how thrilled I am to be back in touch with Bob, and I must thank those that were instrumental in my re-establishing contact with this wonderful Gentleman.
Thanks again everyone, especially seesul.