P51-D "Snifter"

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The rear tail is now done went together really well.


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Im now up to the wheel bay. First step was to spray all the parts the right shade of green once dry i used art spectrum sepia artists ink to add shadows. With cotten wool buds and water i brushed away the excess ink ( As seen in the first pic ). Following the first step i then used the pastels to high light the areas need after that step i sued real photos to see what colours the wires are and paint them the same. ( photos bellow )


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Just more progress pictures.


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Sorry posted two of the same pics. I have come across a large problem in the wings. after cutting out the ammunition bays and starting to put the parts together i found that the ammunition racks are out on both wings by 2mm so dragon have made a fault in the molds of the wings. (As seen in the pics below) Im going to have to change the hole set up in the wings this might take me a few days so bare with me.


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The more i look at this the more i want to cry ! The ammunition box is at the right distance for the guns. So moved the hole lot back to match the holes and will lengthen the barrels with 2mm dia plastic rod.


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I mentioned in one of my posts that the guns needed to be moved back, but I'd forgotten that the ammo bays were also moved. Sorry, my fault, as it was immediately obvious upon test-fitting.
You dont need to lengthen the guns, just cut the barrels in the area of the wing where they won't be seen, leaving the muzzles in the correct place, and moving the guns back. You will also need to TEST FIT repeatedly with the ammo feeds, in order to get them to line up.
With this kit, test fit EVERYTHING repeatedly, or you WILL have problems.
You will also find that the wings probably WILL NOT fit without adjustment, and may need trimming, and almost certainly filling. Once that's done, the worst is over, but continue to test fit even the smallest parts. BTW, there is no pitot tube in the kit parts - you'll need to scratch-build one to one of two patterns.
Looking ace! I like how you glued the underwing to the body first then the top.. never done that myself, I will now!
Thanks for all your help just incase now one knows i am A grade builder with ipms qld. And Dragon armour is great not one thing to mod but yet this plane has been a big let down. I know modeing is part of the fun. At the same note i have read airframes reply again to make sure i have it all right.

But thank god the worst is over. Gun bays are done and ready for fittment of guns.


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Looks like you got the worst part over - it shouldn't be too bad once you've got the upper wings in place, but be prepared for a little more surgery.
I agree about the Dragon armour kits, and their military figures, which are superb. When I first opened the Mustang kit, I thought 'Wow! Fantastic!' - until I started the test fitting, and found out it's a real b!tch!!
But, the end result is good though.
I must say Terry, that with the technology available today, and the fact that Dragon's armour kits are pretty darn good, there just should not be such a f*ckup in the parts as their is with this kit....and a Mustang of all aircraft ....disappointed to hear and see of the issues with this kit....
Yeah, I agree Wayne.Before I bought it, just after it was released, I'd read reviews about uneven panel lines, heavy rivets etc, none of which were an issue. Those areas of rivets were easily corrected, if neccessary, and I couldn't find any panel-line problems. But, no one had reviewed the kit after /during building it, hence my magazine article at the time (which skipped part publication due to plan changes in publication schedules.).
The kit parts were (are) beautiful, the finesse and overall quality fantastic (eg 10 parts to the gunsight alone, if I remember) gimmicks such as 'working' oleos aside, but repeated test fitting soon showed a horendous multitude of errors, plus a couple of glaring ommissions.
In all my (then) 44 -45 years of modelling, I can truly say I have never had such a b*tch of a kit to build !
It does, eventually, turn out quite nice, as you probably saw from the couple of shots I posted in my '30 Years' thread, but it's a big disappointment, and certainly not for the novice, or even 'average' modeller.
Sorry to hi-jack your thread Greedy! I'm sure you'll overcome, and do a good job!

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