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Thanks chaps.
The prop was actually quite quick (about 15 mins total), I just painted the light colour overall, when dried I drew the laminated layers directly on to it in pencil, then freehand painted the darker layers over the pencil, painted the lighter layers in between again to neaten up, then the darker layers again, then the lighter layers again, and when dry just gave it a good coat of satin varnish. It sounds complicated but was just one ongoing process done in one session as the paint dries so quickly, and each repeat of painting the layers refined the edge of each laminate layer.
Wow Loiner, your Sopwith is incredible. Outstanding job. And that prop job is killer...bravo!
This pair I finished earlier this year, I posted photos of them seperately when they were finished but have put them both on a sample of apron. I may take this display for our club table at the Scale Model World show in November.


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That's right, Saturday and Sunday 13th-14th November at Telford International conference centre. It claims to be the biggest model show in the world. I went last year and it certainly was massive, and the competition entries were awesome.
Could be worth a visit. I might have someone visiting me that weekend, but if not, I'll see if I can get there for one of the days.
Haven't been to the 'Nationals' for over 25 years !!!

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