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Cory, The WWII F4U was flown by Edwin Olander (5 kills) one of the Black Sheep squadron.
#2 must be a post war Corsair because of the red stripe and I think that the right wing bulge is radar added around Korea


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Well Mike, WF is VMF-513's tail code. I actually have a model of WF-15 myself. I will look around and see if I can find anything about WF-5. I've seen photos of -11, -17 etc before so it's possible there are some out there.

UPDATE: The only information I've been able to find is the description of the particular model, and that is that it was based at airfield K8, Kunson, Korea, 1952. Is there a readable BuNo on the model? I can't see it from the photo. That will allow us to find out more.

UPDATE 2: I found some more information. It would appear as though your plane is one of two planes, BuNo 124526 or 124676. I found a couple photos, though I can't tell the BuNo on either of them, and the pictures don't really have much useful information with them unfortunately. However, according to the following site, neither BuNo was lost during the war, so I'm assuming the first plane was just transfered from 513 and another plane was assigned the side number of 5. Sorry I wasn't able to nail down your plane specifically, but at least you know a little bit more and may have a picture!


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Cory, many thanks. Nowadays when I do a kit I always include whatever info is included about that particular plane/tank. Years ago I just made the kit and put it on a shelf.
Now that I am old the history of the vehicle seems to make it more real
again my sincere thanks
Thanks wayne, I can only wish I had your artistic talent. Read your post about the Zero and using masking tape. Would never even have dreamed of doing something like that or your salt technique, very impressive. I'm overjoyed just knowing how to correctly put decals on.
I've finished the 1:48 Wespe kit of the Humber utility car that was being progressed on the 'what's on your workbench' thread. I've noticed I forgot to paint the light lenses, which I'll do with a mix of silver and white, with a dab of gloss varnish.

It's mudied up with a wash of MIG mud partly brushed down with a stiff brush to reduce the stark effect, and the Tamiya weathering set. The base is just made of cardboard with scored in wheel ruts, MIG mud and Woodland scenics coase and fine grass, surprisingly easy to do to create a simpe but decent base.

The vehicle is finshed in the British version of OD which was called Khaki drab used in '44-'45 (onwards), and is in the markings of 7th Armoured Division which served in Italy and France/Germany later in the war.


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I have never seen anyone post anything like this so here is my Karl-Gerat 041 54cm Morser. Nr. V "Loki" One of 7 built by the Germans. At 124 tons it was powered by a 3speed Voith turbo to 6km/h with a 60km range. it fired a 60cm 2170kg(4800lb) shell loaded with 289kg(640lb) of high explosive a distance of 4.7 to 6.4km penetrating 8.5 feet of concrete. 22 Panzer IV were converted to munitionschleppers. 2 - 3 per gun were assigned to carry and load the shells. As you can see from the last pic the gun must be at zero elevation in order to load the shell. Thus it must be re-aimed for every shot. Only one remains today, at the Russian tank museum. Loki was captured by US forces and eventually scrapped


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The Morser in action with munitionshlepper along side
Main transport was bt special RR cars
A dud shell recovered in Poland
The only remaining example. This has the 60cm short barrel


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