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Just answered my own question with a bit of research:
Two more B-47Es were converted to EB-47Es in the mid-1960s for US Navy service, on indefinite loan from the USAF. They were very much unlike the USAF EB-47Es, with some of their ECM gear fitted into pods carried on the external fuel tank pylons. They were used for tests of naval ECM systems and as "electronic aggressors" in naval exercises. These two aircraft were the last B-47s in service, and one performed the very last operational flight of a B-47 on 20 December 1977.
so your model is a very rare bird indeed. Excellent find!
- Not doubting you a bit, followed your hot link. Just wondering why the Navy would want a long range strategic bomber? Search? Recon? Sub patrol?

I didn't take it that way. Now the reference to GE Systems from the photo legend makes more sense. I didn't know the rest. thank you.
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This is a lockheed YIC-12 Vega used by the US Army. This version had a metal fuselage and really looks good in pre-war markings (anyway I always wanted a Vega). The kit is from MPM and is to 1/72 scale. these MPM kits just get better and better.


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