otftch, thank you, they were a PAIN, poor directions, just some drawings with arrows pointing to general locations. had to screw one up to learn how to build the other one.
Finally, all done. mixed 50 - 50 flat clear and Future. I think it gave the plane a very nice satin finish and dulled the decals which had become quite shiney. I like the enhanced panel lines. Thank you Wayne! and the nice flat "look like paint" decals put on with microsol look very real Thank you Airframes!
Next up the JU 88-A4. Don't know if I'll make the competition deadline or not.
Terry, I thought so too. Glad I listened to you and did that 50/50 mix. Tried that flat clear on some scrap and it really dulled the finish. I was also surprised at how shiny the decals ended up so the 50/50 improved their finish 100%. I'm learning, thanks to you and others. Again many thanks