Post Your Models! (1 Viewer)

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Good tips guys! I also use watercolours and artist's pastels (blacks, browns and dark greys, depending on the area I'm working) for staining, shading, etc, aswell as Chinese ink (black).

I also use some womén's cosmetic tools for modelmaking (..Ivett has to buy them though for me...I'm not THAT brave or crazy!!! :) ) - A long nail file stick for initial (rough) sanding of long straight seams (wing leading/ trailing edges, etc), some no-shine face powders for simulating mud on truck chassis' etc, and non-acetone make-up remover for smoothing putty joins -(apply to a cotton bud ('ear cleaner') and wipe the join while the putty is wet, saves a bit of sanding later)

hehe I'd just buy 'em and say they're a gift for my girlfriend XD (even though I don't have one TT_TT)
LOL thanks, Wojtek! say, would cigarette ashes be good for exhaust staining? I don't smoke, but I could ask a friend who does if he can gimme some, and I could use a cosmetic brush to kinda smooth it on, for the exhaust and/or the machine gun staining.
An interesting idea but I don't suggest it.I think that the better material for this exhaust staining would be charcoal dust or what is better for me the dust of a pencil lead which is putting with a soft brush.Please, try to use this one instead of the cigarette ashes:D
LOL alright!. I got plenty of pencils, so I can try that. I can just scrape off the graphite, dab a brush on it, and lightly brush it on LOL I could also say that I'm using it for a play! 8D
i must say i have seen some beautiful aircraft up here.... i myself am currently working on a P-51D that i hope to complete by the end of the month. when i do ill post some pics of it too :)
Hi Guys
Sorry I've been off line for a bit but my server started playing up at about the same time as the site crashed:shock: :oops:
I never meant it. Honest! I still have no full time access to the net but I will turn up when I can.
Wurger thanks for the tips I started using balsa cement on paper models and it has worked a treat, bits stick together FAST ansd the paper and colours dont deform or run.
So Here's one I prepared earlier.:p

1:770 Scale



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Beautiful airship! I thought it was the Hindenburg for a minute, there.
What Kit?
Will post details next post (I need to make them .pdf) but a word of warning, do not use old cereal boxes the material is too stiff and thick.
Sorry guys the Hindenberg is one I do not have yet but I'm working on that.
OK this is the threatened Airship post. I have left the pictures out since there will be a lot of .pdf files.
Believe it or not there is still a section of the R100 in captivity at the Elvington air museum just outside of York in the "Barnes Wallis" section. This also includes a genuine "bouncing bomb" and I regret to admit a Fairey Gannet which I actualy worked on. That one came as a bit of a shock.

Heinz, Wurger, The two German bits are for you and all the Luftewaffe fans.



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I'm currently working on a 1:72 scale Kubelwagen/BMW motorbike w/ sidecar. I just finished the kubelwagen, gonna start on the motorbike soon.

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