PTO Build Choices

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Nice one Maglar!

And thanks Terry and Chris! I'll get onto those measurements tomorrow, got side-tracked tonight.

Daniel, forgot to ask which Hudson is being retsored? I read there are another 6 or 7 'somewhere' in NZ, probably in farmer's barns...
Great to hear, Cory!
She was one of the most important aircraft to us in the initial stages of the Pacific campaign (along with the Kittyhawk), but were quickly relegated to training duties once the Ventura became available.
Evan, will these help you any on that Hudson?


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Depending on the size, some of them might be Chris..(thanks for looking!)

Been reading up on RNZAF markings of the time and it seems the sizes varied greatly. Will let you know when I've decided further which one I'm gonna go with!

Some great sites for anyone interested in RNZAF colours and markings:
RNZAF paints
I am thinking about entering the Grp Build. My great uncle flew with the 13th AF. Would a B-25H fit in with all of these naval birds? I did not find the thread with the description of the theme.

The B-25s were all over the Pacific, they just do not get much press. I was thinking of doing either a B-25 or an early model B-17 from the Phillipines. I will see if I can get to work on it over the weekend. I am taking vacation soon and will have some free time to work on it.

Hi DBII, it'll be great to have you in the GB, and a B25 will be nice - one of my favourite ircraft.
Strange, I can't find the PTO Guidelines either - and it was me who posted them! I'll ask Dan if he can find them, and 'sticky' them with the GB Rules. Thanks for pointing it out.

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