Hi Syscom,
>OK, so you are all saying that even without Hitlers interference, the Me-262 still wasnt available in quantity untill the fall of 1944.
"In quantity" is a qualitative rubber term that doesn't permit any conclusions. Here are the quantified quantities, which I had posted earlier:
From the strength reports at The Luftwaffe, 1933-45, listing the Me 262 aircraft with the different units:
07/1944: 6 @ KG 51
08/1944: 20 @ KG 51
09/1944: 32 @ KG 51
10/1944: 52 @ KG 51, 5 @ KG 54
11/1944: 72 @ KG 51, 8 @ KG 54, 38 @ JG 7
12/1944: 100 @ KG 51, 21 @ KG 54, 14 @ JG 7, 23 @ EJG 2, 6 @ Kommando Braunegg
Note that due to "Hitler's interference", jet fighters made only an average 30% of the available Me 262 strength in the second half of 1944.
>And even then, because of training issues and no effective tactics, the -262 still was not effective untill 1945.
"Effective" again is a rubber term. What is "effective" supposed to mean?
>I am also wondering about the numbers of airframes on hand.
The strength reports of for one specific point in time each month. During the course of the month, the units received additional aircraft and lost (or transferred) other aircraft so that at any other date, they might have a larger or smaller number available, depending on re-supply and combat results.
Henning (HoHun)