Quotes and Jokes (1 Viewer)

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Dad joke warning:

A couple go to a Chinese restaurant and order the Chicken Surprise. The meal arrives in a cast iron pot with a lid.
The wife is about to serve herself, when the lid of the pot slightly rises, and she sees two beady little eyes briefly before the lid slams down.
"Did you see that?" she asks her husband.
He had not, so he reaches for the lid when it again rises and two little eyes look around just as the lid slams down.
They call the waiter, explain what has happened, and asks for an his explanation.
"What did you order?"
"Chicken Surprise!"
"So sorry, I bring you Peeking Duck!"
Yes Thumpalumpacus - was that you?

I remember earlier this year you were going to restore a damaged guitar and enjoy playing it on the stoop. Was that the Gibson or Fender? Does it sound right now?

It's a Yamaha acoustic. It sounds good but I still need to tweak the truss-rod some more, it's got buzz at the fourteenth fret. Between helping take care of my mom, working, and now the holidays, it's been put off.

Every woman I've been with has been justifiably shy of touching my guitars, though. And beating me with my Ibanez is probably a nonstarter -- it's a tank of a guitar and she'd have a hard time with it!
It's a Yamaha acoustic. It sounds good but I still need to tweak the truss-rod some more, it's got buzz at the fourteenth fret. Between helping take care of my mom, working, and now the holidays, it's been put off.

To give you incentive maybe you should put up a short audio from it when fixed.

Keep looking after mum though. You don't realise how much they mean to you until they are gone.
To give you incentive maybe you should put up a short audio from it when fixed.

Keep looking after mum though. You don't realise how much they mean to you until they are gone.

I'll do that when it unfolds. My priorities are as you advise -- family first and
devil take the hindmost. In the meantime, here's a clip of me playing an original song on a very similar Yamaha at an open-mic a few years back. I want to get this current one sounding and especially playing as good:

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Tough to know which is more embarrassing.....getting caught human trafficking or getting burned by Greta Thunberg.

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