Terry, thanks for the offer but I'm honestly not sure what scheme to depict at this stage. Having just hatched the idea to add this to my list of projects in the last day or two, I've not yet begun to research the subject but I will likely go with a bare metal scheme for starters. As for the seat, the kit contains parts for both so I should be OK there. The kit also contains some nice metal pitot tubes and resin housings for the actuators for the extra canard, which MIGHT come in handy if I want to add the VICON camera pod as these have a similar shape and might lend themselves, with a bit of work, to make a suitable substitute for a pricey aftermarket one. Belcher bits also offers a resin camera pod but it comes with a raft of other stuff I probably would not use.
Geo, I did look at LE but all they have is the checkerboard scheme. Cool but not my cuppa tea for this one so the choice will be either to get the Belcher Bits sheet or to take Terry up on his offer.
Geo, I did look at LE but all they have is the checkerboard scheme. Cool but not my cuppa tea for this one so the choice will be either to get the Belcher Bits sheet or to take Terry up on his offer.
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