I think you've done a great job Jamie. The only things I can see are very nit picky indeed and take away nothing from the job you've done. But since you asked, here are the VERY MINOR things I see:
To paint the roundels by hand had to be very tough and I think you did great. Since you're using an airbrush, masking and airbrushing the roundels might have been easier for the outer circles, especially the yellow, which is a very difficult colour to paint. A coat of white underneath and then yellow airbrushed on makes the best finish.
Just in front of the cockpit you can see very small areas where the seam could have used a bit of filling. You cften can't see these things til after you paint them, and even then, sometimes only when you take a picture. After filling and sanding, paint the whole model in a thin, light colour primer coat. That allows these little things to be seen much easier.
The only other thing I saw was that the propeller looks like it had individual blades and they appear to be not all in the same plane and perpendicular to the spinner axis. Could be my eyes though.
Still, I think it's a great model. You should be proud!