Shall we bring back the Lurverly Ladies Thread???

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TBH if you want to stare at porn or even scantily clad women there really is no shortage of other places on the net in where that sort of thing is readily available. Google search, with safe search turned off and you'll find more than you ever wanted.

Personally I don't really see much reason or need for it, but then I have no particular problem with it, I have no real filter at work and browse with images turned off (all the sig pics and avatars kinda give the game away that I'm not doing work related stuff ) and as long as the thread is clearly labelled so I can avoid it while at work that is fine by me.
As it stands now, anyone can post any image, including a porn mpg or avi, and this pron freak right here has posted titty shots in our Moderator forum....

If someone were to post a pic of some chick showin beav, it would get quickly deleted, by either myself, or another mod, not that anyone would do that anyways, cause they havent done it in over a year in the first place....

I think more is being made out of this than is really called for.... Its just chicks in bikinis and thongs, and once its put into effect, it will be watched closely....
I have raised my concern about it. If it is brought back, do not expect me to moderate it. I can, and do, look here from work and for me to be seen looking at even bikini clad women could be grounds for dismissal. They are very careful about that. Also know that if this site does get added to content filters, there will be no recourse for us and there we will likely remain, even if the content deemed inappropriate is removed. It is important that the risk is truly understood.
I believe the board rules say do not post pr0n so if some *** is stupid enough to want to post pictures of some beaver he's going to start his own thread or spam somebody Else's. If people start not doing things because some stupid *** may or may not do certain things we would get no where. Its like not building buildings bigger than one story because somebody may jump off. If they are going to jump they'll just jump off a cliff instead.
Yeah, but as I stated, it cames either from newbies or from peoples that couldn't understand English properly.

If it is correctly moderated, by banning any jackass posting porn stuff and by setting clear rules, I think we would not have any problem.

And Evan, your boss seems to be less strict than mine... If I'm caught going on any forum/chat room at work, I would get fired.
They do have a fairly liberal policy with net usage, mainly because we sometimes monitor tests that we are trying to reproduce a problem that can take a long time. So they are cool with net surfing. BUT, they are very strict with sexual harassment and anything that can even remotely resemble that, including looking at girls in swimsuits is grounds for immediate dismissal. We are not on a content filter, but we also know that we are not in private offices and what we look at can easily be seen by others.
yes I will agree with Eric on this, we really got detracted with all the honeis last time and it went beyond the limits of this fine site. Lets not encourage rabble rousers popping in from time to time placing porno and then logging off quickly to do it again at some other convenient time for them, plus once started we might get raided by the porno sites with sub-links / bombarded with trash . . . no thanks !

I have to agree with put me as against too
While I like women as much as anybody here and I love porn just as much as well I dont think this should be brought back because 90% of the people here can not handle the rules laid out by us admins and they ruin it. This is not a porn site. If people could handle the rules and obey them, then that would be cool, but until people prove to be responsible about it, it does not need to be brought back.
I could honestly care less one way or the other, but, with proper moderation, and a clear explaination of the rules, I dont see the problem... Edit out what doesnt belong, and ban the IP of the responsible member.... No warnings, no BS.....

Bikinis only, thongs OK, no topless hands over the boobs, no see though outfits, no bush no nips...

Maybe its possible for horse to make a section that requires an 18 and over disclaimer???

I think we are making this out to be bigger than what it is, but, with the current score of 11 : 8, it looks to be in favor of, but too close to call..... Here is a list of the members/Mods that are for/against....



As u can tell, there are quite a few mods who are against, which will probably kill this thread..... Speak up now or forever hold ur peace..........
I just dont want this site to lose track of what it is there for.
Nah, it didnt before, so I dont see it happening now....

As most of us know, Sunny was the reason we killed the other thread.... I think if one of our French speakers explained it to Sunny, we can get this organized and flowing correctly, with no BS or bannings or anything....

I think this is more about posting a pic of a chick u personally think is a hottie...

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