Shinpachi's 3D/CGI World

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Thanks Gnomey, Aaron, razor1uk, Lucky and Paul for the compliments!

Hello, razor1uk!
Yes, its basic texture for my post #754 is an edited photo of aluminum plate.
I attach it here for your reference.
Thanks for your attention to my technical details.

NHK looking like Gojira outtakes but ... and all those cars probably have people inside ... we live in interesting times.
Omedetou, Shinpachi my friend
Thanks again folks for your all kindest care!
More than seven months have been passed since the disaster.

Now, as it will take sometime for me to trace back my last CG work of the Wright Cyclone R-3350 engine to complete, please let me restart this thread with my recent work of the IJN flying boat H8K Emily. I am going to add such small parts like ailerons, flaps and others to complete it post by post. Wishing you all to enjoy Thank you very much!



  • H8K2_Shinpachi.JPG
    8.3 KB · Views: 21
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I really like the depth of field effect in the first image and as always Shinpachi, your work never ceases to amaze. And I have to agree with GrauGeist, the third one is very nice to.
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