Shinpachi's 3D/CGI World

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Thanks vikingBerserker.

This work will be a long way.
Here I go.


  • I-14_Control_Tower02image05bR.JPG
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Thanks GrauGeist.
I'm glad you enjoy my work.

Tracing the drawings is always my first step toward 3d cg modelling.
Then, I check the measurement of each part to correct, if necessary.
The red line on the attached image shows the main inner tube's outline. Its size and shape has Just been corrected.

My work goes on like this:)


  • I-14_Bow.JPG
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Thanks Aaron.
Your words, and my other friends' words here, always encourage me.
That is why I can keep posting, yes.

I have anyhow grasped total image of I-14 submarine that is a sister model of I-400 class subs.
Please enjoy a couple of my latest images.
Thanks friend!


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  • I-14_Whole_3D.JPG
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Thanks Wayne, Aaron and GrauGeist.
I'm going to build the rest rooms which are located on the deck and the main inner tube, too:)
Please look forward to them.
Thanks Aaron for :thumbright:

I am struggling to know the rib structure of the outer shell because there is simple
explanation but no drawing. This may be tough:cry:


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Thanks Aaron and Doughboy!
Members' warm words always push me ahead.
..... and I'm beginning to catch the outline of the rib structure of outer shells.
There are visible clues on the drawing that I did not notice - very thin lines.

Looking back my previous posts, I think I had better add explanation about each parts.
Also, images had better be more colorful with material skin to be enjoyable visually.
Here are some my attempts.
I hope you all to enjoy more.



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  • I-14_司令塔02image30S.jpg
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Awesome work, Shinpachi, the detail you're putting into the project is outstanding!

I'm not sure if I like the second image, it looks like the sub was just raised off the ocean floor...

Out of curiousity, what was the actual paint color on the later IJN subs? The photos I've seen make them look dark, as if a dark blue color or perhaps a dark gray?

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