Shooting at Fort Hood

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Do like that General in the Phillipines did bullets soaked in pigs blood scares the yippees out of them,"I'm going too Hell" to bad
We just had a student shooting last Thursday here in Pécs... 23 year old student, apparently schizophrene, on anti-depressants. Noone knew how bad, as he always bought them at different chemists. Outsider at school, hassled for being 'weird' and 'probably a faggot'. School day as normal, at 13:00 he suddenly pulled out a .22 handgun, and started shooting his classmates. Killed a 19 year old chemistry student, and wounded a teacher, one or two other students, and the janitor. School was closed off by police but he slipped the net, found him 5 mins later at the nearby hospital where he surrendered himself. That's as much as I know, facts are still unveiling... No personal comments to add at this point...
Dang, hate to hear that, A4K. Can't help but think, though, that it would've been over a lot sooner if more people were trained properly and licensed for concealed-carry...and allowed to carry.
Somebody at Fort Hood Should Be Walking the Plank - Andy McCarthy - The Corner on National Review Online

I'm a teacher and people on this forum say "something is wrong with me" because I'd feel safer with a gun to defend myself and my students.

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