Spreading My Wings

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Is that lot rent limited to a certain percentage increase annually or can it balloon exponentially without limit?

I was told it increases 3% when it does. Apparently a new company bought out the management just a year or two ago and one of the changes was the lot rent. BUT... you sign a lease which has the old rent. We will be taking over the lease at the old rate of $472 until April of 2025. We can still handle it.
I was told it increases 3% when it does. Apparently a new company bought out the management just a year or two ago and one of the changes was the lot rent. BUT... you sign a lease which has the old rent. We will be taking over the lease at the old rate of $472 until April of 2025. We can still handle it.
If that 472 is per month....... by comparison rent on an apt here is 450+/- per Week! Not so much on the minus end tho!
If that 472 is per month....... by comparison rent on an apt here is 450+/- per Week! Not so much on the minus end tho!
ROBBERY!!! Per week??? Gawd. This whole thing is gonna cost us monthly what we pay now to rent. It all washes out. In addition to no cost on sewer, water and trash pickup. We good. If not, I'll just claim I'm an immigrant and live off the dole!
I didn't know where to post something like this so this looks like a good place.

As some may know from my dusty, recent posts, I had bought a motorhome with the intentions of living in it an traveling the country. That was until the transmission broke down last October. So we decided we would just stay where we are, buy a small travel trailer and head out for maybe two or three week flights. That was until this past April. I received a phone call from our landlords. They are selling the house to their son and he will be moving in. We have been here 10 years and the landlords are my friends of 40 years. It is their right to do this, I hold no grudge but the Pre-wife and myself were dumbfounded as to what was next.

The Pre-wife likes Youtube. She likes trolling Youtube, especially the Real Estate guys trying to sell homes. In the past she had shown me some homes in Kentucky, Tennessee, all over. Now she comes to me and shows me homes - in Florida. For $40,000 fully furnished! It has to be a scam. So I do my own research and it's true. There are 55+ communities in trailer parks all over FLA with crazy prices. And calling them a "trailer Park" is a misnomer. These places are beautiful! So I call up a few of the realtors and we made plans to go down to Florida for a week and check out the homes.

We found a place that we liked - 2bedroom, 2 bath 840 sq ft with a lanai (florida room) and enclosed porch and fully furnished!! We made an offer and they accepted. So on June 20th we are buying a home and after 63 years in the Garden State I'm moving to the Citrus State! As I said, it's a 55+ community and the lot rent is $800 which includes sewer, water, taxes, trash pickup, internet and lawncare. The price we got this for is $33,000!!! Incredible. I don't know who lives in Florida but here we come! At 22 miles away from Orlando, I'm telling all my friends when they visit the Big Mouse, they won't have to pay for lodging.

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Ah, I missed this. Looks good Chris! Hope you will enjoy it.
Several years ago Annie and I went up to Port Maquarie northern NSW for a bit of a holiday.
Float plane rides!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Had to have one, but not just an Up and Down ride.
Charged by the flight, so 3 was max. Waited all day for two others, Annie was a nope.
So $350.00 out of pocket off we went. We did a Splash and Dash inna lake a few clicks
from our take off in the bay. Got to chat a lot with the too young pilot. Was a good ride.
The Pre-wife and myself leaving NJ at 4 in the morning.

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