Stug III at Kursk Armor Build

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Funny you ask I actually did some work yesterday on it. Most of the wheels attatch and ready for the top and bottom of the hull to be attached, oh wait, tracks!!!
But Glenn your build got me motivated, thanks!!

All the stuff to the top hull and bottom are done. It doesn't appear my tank has a mottle or no? Also I need to cut the armor plating since the tank I want to do has only, a few plates left.
A base is a great idea.....I just don't know if I'm motivated enough, plus, I've had plans for some time to make a Stug III and an Opel Blitz medical truck diorama. Just need to build the truck!!
I just went back and looked at the picture of the tracks in your first post. Are they vinyl, of plastic?. If they are plastic or some other material that you can get glue to stick to it will be a lot more work, but will probably look more realistic than the one piece vinyl tracks.
Mudwrestling in Guiness!!!

Uhh Glenn, pictures soon, too, me 4 hours been doing them on and off. They were 25 pieces per track not 14.....that sucked...

Some FAQ's for you guys

Q: Did it take a while

Q: Would you do it again
A:probably not.

Q: They look like crap
A: Not a question....
Probably won't ever do a tank again :lol:

Ok I added stuff to the top of the hull, need to paint the MG, and did the wheels and tracks...

Also modified the armor plating and need to do the other..


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Don't let the tracks put you off tanks Harrison. I haven't made a tank in 30 years and now I find my self looking at the armor section of the Squadron flyer. My guess would be that the tracks are probably the best place to hide work that didn't exactly go right. Just make sure you put large clumps of mud on the joints and they'll look perfect,
It's looking pretty good H. Don't fit any of the small pieces until the model is painted and virtually finished - they'll get knocked off otherwise, or just get in the way. You can probably leave off the side skirts too, until the painting is complete.
Just check your references for the missing side skirt - they were normally a fiull length, single plate.
Yeah I didn't add the MG, I just need to add Tow cable, fuel cans, and I don't think anything else?

I'm trying to move quickly since I have motivation. When I loose it, this wont get done :lol:

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