1st Lieutenant
guys 4x4 or 6x6 have zero advantage when driving on ice over 2 wheel drive in fact they are more hazardous. The last thing when driving on ice that I want are more wheels spinning. The only time I would use 4x4 in snow is if its deep or you are on the verge of getting stuck
qoute from 4 wheeler magazine
"Don't think you're invincible just because you drive a truck or a big sports utility vehicle. While 4-wheel drive vehicles are great for driving in heavy snow, you're on your own when it comes to driving on ice. In fact, 4-wheel drive vehicles have no advantage over regular cars when it comes to driving on ice, so be sure to take the necessary safety precautions no matter what type of vehicle you are driving"
qoute from 4 wheeler magazine
"Don't think you're invincible just because you drive a truck or a big sports utility vehicle. While 4-wheel drive vehicles are great for driving in heavy snow, you're on your own when it comes to driving on ice. In fact, 4-wheel drive vehicles have no advantage over regular cars when it comes to driving on ice, so be sure to take the necessary safety precautions no matter what type of vehicle you are driving"