Scorpions here in Arkansas took be by surprise the first year as I associate them more with the Southwest. Tarantula MIGRATION was a REAL shocker when I saw the back yard MOVING one September morning. Emptied several clips from the AR that day into the grass.
We have about 40 different species of spider including a BROWN widow spider that surprised me in a hose reel one day.
The dock will house 20-30 fishing spiders (about 1inch (2.5cm). These suckers WALK on water as well as diving UNDER it when they want. Now Wolf Spiders are common and love to get in the house if they can (about 2inches (5 cm).
We have about 40 different species of spider including a BROWN widow spider that surprised me in a hose reel one day.
The dock will house 20-30 fishing spiders (about 1inch (2.5cm). These suckers WALK on water as well as diving UNDER it when they want. Now Wolf Spiders are common and love to get in the house if they can (about 2inches (5 cm).