The Fw 190A-9 of Siegfried Baer, 5.Staffel, II./JG301, in Detail....

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Now the subtle addition of the black pastel along the upper surface panel lines, sort of a post shading, rather than preshading...


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Both colours are Greys....the lighter 75 grey Violet, the darker 74 grey Green...and both colours have been mottled in their application so the darker appears lighter as if the 75 has been oversprayed on to it, but it hasn' will see a further change in appearance once the gloss goes on.....

The impression is to get a slightly irregular spray application like someone would apply the paint with a spray gun....up on the wing, but like I said the gloss changes it again...
I went back and looked at the past shots u took during the original paint work... U painted the entire wing RIM75, then went and made ur camo section with RLM74... Did u then go back over the 74 with the 75??? It looks that way, but from what u are saying u "mottled" it... Not sure what that implies....

U didnt completely paint the section green, just made areas of green mottleing??
It's just the way I apply the second colour (74) a built up mottle over the just looks like the 75 has been resprayed over the top but it hasn't.

It comes back to experience with the airbrush Dan, something you are still mastering my friend!
Is it supposed to look like that Wayne??? The reason I ask is if this is the way to do my Doras camo job??? Would the way it looks on Siegfrieds Anton9 be the same as it would on my JV44 Dora9??? The mottled look???

If so I would want to try and mimick ur application of the camo and mottleting...
Yes Dan, go for it!...once you get the mottling effect going you can vary the density depending on the subject! This will hold the key to future models!

Tomorrow night I will show you the gloss coat applied....the before and after will see a difference again!
Thanks Guys!

...and here is the lower surfaces with a light pastel application....


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