Trumpeter 1/48 MiG-23M Flogger B

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Alright... time to confront the trickiest part of the build. The landing gear! The combination of resin, photo-etch and plastic parts had me fearing the worst. The landing gear of the Flogger is a spidery affair that gives the plane its unique butt-down stance.

The first step was to attach the main landing gear legs into the Eduard resin wheel wells. The Eduard instructions clearly instruct the builder NOT to glue the gear legs but trap it into place using a resin cap piece. Once the retraction strut is glued into place, you can rotate the landing gear leg onto the retraction strut and ensuring the correct geometry.

After the struts have been put into place, the wheels can be glued on. This was a bit tricky too since I had to use CA glue to secure the resin wheels and also had to ensure that the flat spots on the tires were in the right place. After that, the remaining doors are glued on.

The airbrakes are glued in the open position.

The nose gear was simple compared to the main gear. The only tricky part was aligning the flat spots. The centerline fuel tank was glued into place as well.

The Flogger can now sit on its own legs!

It looks close to finish but I still need to add lots of bits and pieces to her. But the hard parts have been conquered and there should be anything to stop me from completing this overly long project.
Thanks gentlemen! In the home stretch now and just a few little things to take care of. Removing the canopy masks revealed an exposed joint with unpainted plastic in a very visible spot.... urrrgh!

I felt compelled to fix this so I popped off the windscreen and used a piece of thin brass sheeting to cover the joint. I also extended the painting of the windscreen frame a little bit just as insurance. The ejection seat was still unattached at this point so that's why its missing. You can also see some of the doodads that I've added to the kit forward of the windscreen.

The larger R-23T missiles were finished up by adding decals, attaching to their pylons and gluing them into place along with the smaller R-60 missiles.

So... the Flogger is a wrap! It's been a long journey on this one but I'm glad I reached the finished line. Having this one sit on the shelf was nagging me, especially with all of the AM stuff that I bought for it. It's good to get the monkey off my back. On to the wee MiG-15!

For more complete pictures, please go to the following post...
Trumpeter 1/48 MiG-23MF in Polish Service | Forums
An outstanding build! Your results were spectacular; a true modeling master. I would like to build one now I believe.
Huh? Thanks guys! This was an older build and not one of my best or favorites. In fact, I struggled with this kit and put it on hold for a few months before jumping back on and finally finishing it. I do appreciate the comments though!
I used to read the old AREA 88 Comic Books in the 80's and the Flogger's were always the "bad guy" planes. I loved them.

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