Wayne's Award Winning Models

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Wayne Little

Oct 7, 2006
Adelaide Sth. Aust.
At the request of the "Minister of Whoopass".. Dan da Man! ....and Sir "Older than Dirt" Charles..the Ccheese....

I begin post number 4000 with some of my models that have managed to do well at some of our local and interstate Model Expo's...hope you enjoy them!

I will begin with one of my favourites and recent winners, placing first in the Large Scale Propellor driven Category in Adelaide and First in the Large Scale Open category in the Australian Championships in Melbourne.

The aircraft is a Hasegawa 1/32 Scale Focke Wulf Fw190A-5 flown by the Staffelkapitan of 9/JG 2 Josef Wurmheller in 1943.

It was a spur of the moment build that I started and finished in 1 month in October 2006 for the SA comp which was held at the end of the same month.
A solid 4 week build that I finished on the eve of the competition.

Starting with the cockpit.....the one extra shoulder strap being added at the end of the build before the canopy was attached.


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Ok here are a couple of shots after painting with the first gloss coat applied, sealing in the subtle pastel weathering...this was about two and a half weeks into the build.


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