Wayne's Award Winning Models

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Talk abouit a wild paint scheme You mean no meatball on the deck to use as a diving mark is that the AL foil technique for the water?

Similar schemes were used on other carriers too, The meatball was a short lived addition to Japanese carrier decks....not the Al foil, a plastic rippled/dimpled sheet laid on some blue card....
Thanks fellas....

Very impressive!
I did some warships when I was 15, but they were just out of the box, with no painting at all and used to play the Battle of Midway with my brother: of course he was the younger so he had to be the Jap...
Just a little curiosity, those 1/700 scale birds, do they have transparent cockpits?
Even got the yellow ID bands on the wings and to think 1/700 scale.Cheers

There are 7 different colours on each aircraft...so much work for something that's small enough to sit on your thumb nail...

Very impressive!
Just a little curiosity, those 1/700 scale birds, do they have transparent cockpits?

No they don't, in this case painted silver, some of the more current aircraft sets in the carrier kits are moulded in the transparent plastic.
There are 7 different colours on each aircraft...so much work for something that's small enough to sit on your thumb nail...

Black,Green,Silver,Yellow and Lt Gray underneath now thats five little boy.Now don't go tell'in me you painted those meatballs? cause if you did

Crazy it is then...White and then Red added to make the hinomaru or meatballs as you call it.....makes 7 colours in total....!!

Thanks fellas and for adding the Yawata Maru image Shinpachi..

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