What Annoyed You Today?

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Thanks, the luck is needed - a few days ago I managed to burn some pasta/veggiestuff on the frying pan, and forgot half a cup of of coffee on the coffee machine - that smells funny when it gets roasted in the glass can on the coffee machine.
It sounds nasty with that Jalapeno - I've never tried it myself, as my stomach can't stand chili, but it sounds very painful - and annoying, what with someone laughing at you at the same time?
I'd get pi$$ed off alright!
By the way, how did you get the Jalapeno juice out of your eye?
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By the way, how did you get the Jalapeno juice out of your eye?

Nothing really, it wasn't really that bad, just burned for a while.

I saw your burned pasta and coffe post as well, better not tackle anything major like a roasted Turkeyfor a while, at least until your string of cooking incidents levels off
Our neighbor thinks me and my wife are her personal babysitter. Yesterday, came home from the mall, her little girl came over, and just invited herself in the house. neighbor came over hour and a half later and said that she got some house work done. WTF! Today she wants my wife to baby sit while she goes to the doctor. But the thing is she ends up spending 3 hours running around doing shopping and stuff. Really P!sses my wife off. And she doesnt offer to pay. Just says "Thanks Guys". ERRR, B!tch.
Nothing really, it wasn't really that bad, just burned for a while.

I saw your burned pasta and coffee post as well, better not tackle anything major like a roasted Turkey for a while, at least until your string of cooking incidents levels off

The problem is: It doesn't.
It's a chronical condition, I'm afraid!

The crazy thing is that I can:

Tie flies for fishing
Put up shelves without incidents
Carve wood and soapstone
Shoot - both camera and guns
Sew embroider
Put new tyres on the car, fix the dampeners, change the oil and do general maintenance stuff - my ex taught me how to do that with his Ford Scorpio 2.9i, it was fun.
Fix my bicycle's flat tyre, set the gears, fik the brakes, oil things and change stuff.
Draw 'n paint and all sorts of creative stuff.

It's no problem as long as it's one-thing-after-the-other kind of stuff, but as soon as I try to do several things at once, like when cooking, things go terribly wrong.
I wholeheartedly agree with my ex-boyfriend:
If I had been a dog, and I would have to both bark AND wag my tail at the same time, I'd fall over!
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Today, a sequence of things happened. Each one as annoying as the last. ( This is 100% true)

1. I was trying to learn the finishing touches to a song on the guitar, when my string broke.

2. While on a half-hour drive to the nearest guitar store, my car ran out of fuel. It turns out that the gauge was broken.

3. Had to walk a kilometre in a thunderstorm to get fuel.

4. Gas Station was closed, had to walk another half of a kilometre in the aforementioned thunderstorm.

5. Walked back to my car, filled it up, got the guitar string, and drove home.

6. Put the string in my guitar, but not before it cut me on the finger.

7. Started to learn the song again. I played for 5 minutes when a different string breaks.

8 Figuring this is not my day, I decide to make lunch. and promptly burned a burger.

9. Ate the burned burger.

All in all a bad day
Doesn't sound like a good day.....

Have you heard of a thing called 'The secret' ? if it exists you experienced it

Someone came up with the theory that negative thoughts/energy attract negative things ( apparently the same vice versa )

It could be true ,it could be coincidence or it could all be aload of
Have to listen to the local sports radio talk show at work all day go on and on about Brett Favre going to sign with the Minnesota Vikings football team!!
I'd break the radio, but I work in a electronics repair department and someone would just fix it

I have heard of it, and there is probably a small amount of truth to it, but I wasn't in a bad mood before the chain of events started happening. I'm not sure if "The Secret" caused it or not.
Waking up shortly before 6 with a start - had apparently bitten/clamped my teeth together in my sleep, and the pain from one of the teeth woke me up. DANG that HURT!
Off to the dentist with me today, I guess.
I had to get a physical to play my high school sport of bowling. Had to piss in a cup, get my finger pricked, then get the cough cough while being invaded by a hand . Got tested for the other regular stuff then good ole dock suggested a swine flu shot for protection if I catch it. Took two in the arm and was out...
Its just a standard physical they didnt know the sport.. I played football last year and it was just a vision test and nothing.. I dont know why this was so personal

Hoss, you have the makings of a great Blues song.....

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