What Annoyed You Today?

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I can lose an entire assecory pack of walmart balls in golf. After 9 holes I am tired and totally sucking, I usually shoot 130 lol!!! I dont do tournmanets, but I am deeply in love the feeling of hitting a ball and seeing it fly. Also the challenge of mastering a swing then learning to control it. Too much money though!
Bucksnort - I can't recommend doing that, get well soon!

Here's my complaint for today:
Spent the day at home yesterday, because left knee and bad back acted up - a whole day and night's rest helped a lot, painkillers did the rest.
Well, what does the "genius" here do today, when back at the shop?
Wrap up some big black plastic bags up, that were filled with clothes that were to be delivered to the Danish Red Cross, and carry them out and toss 'em in the Red Cross container.
Back *thud!* started *thud!* acting *thud!* up *thud!* again *thud!* - surprise! *kicks-own-a$$*
Dang headache is back again today, feels like I'm eiterh coming down with something or alleriges are acting up. Usually only have allergies during late winter-early springs, but I kinda feel like crap today. Guy at work has been hacking off and on all week, come to think if it he always seems to have a cold. Better not catch that just before vacation or I'll really be P.O.'ed!!
I just discovered that there's a new fad here in Redding, and it's not a good one...

California driving law states that you are to come to a complete stop at a stop sign, and if someone is there ahead of you, it's thier turn to go. If you arrive at the intersection at the same time, the driver on the right goes first. Pretty easy to understand...you'd think.

But here's where it gets interesting: aparently some people think that it's ok to follow the car ahead of them through the intersection. I have no idea what those idiots are thinking...or if they're thinking at all.

It's happened to me twice (close calls, too), and I saw it happen one other time so far.
Had a family argument today. Won't bother you with details, but I'm always annoyed with things like that what ever the reason for argument happen to be. And as if that wasn't enough I had an headache all afternoon...

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