What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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F*cking boiler scr*wed yet again! AND it seems to be the same bl**dy thing all over, heard the fuse pop earlier.... I desperately need some good luck from above.... :(
F*cking boiler scr*wed yet again! AND it seems to be the same bl**dy thing all over, heard the fuse pop earlier.... I desperately need some good luck from above.... :(

You need to sign up for Brit Gas 3 Star - or something like that - unless maybe you rent ?

I know using local plumbers and engineers is an expensive way forward :(
Some KNOB about selling shoes, posted in multiple threads....they disappeared soon after, coincidentally when Dan (lesofprimus) arrived on the forum...so I assume he deleted them all....Thank christ!!
That sort of sh!t p!sses me off!! We have a great forum here, don't need that cr@p flyin' around....

No thats true - We really don't need that sort of stuff.

BTW Were the shoes any good ? (just wondering.....I need a new pair)
I very seriously doubt it. :lol:
That would mean that I'd had to dump my two wonderful lovers. :rofl:

TWO :shock:

That is twice the usual allowance - 100% more than most - Double Bubble - Boil Trouble
The funny part of that is that they are only 30 miles (48.2 km) away so I can dirve to them if I can't get them on the phone. :twisted:


Ahh, but that assumes they gave you a legit address in the first place....
Had to re do a paper for an Intro to Forensics class

I looked them up on the internet before posting about the problem the other day.
I had tried calling them but it was past office hours.
When I called them I got a new disc without any hassles. :thumbup:
I will called it even though they said they would ship it to me.
Saved them some money on shipping and I was able to check it out and make sure everything was in the box before I left.

How did you do on the paper ?

started making sugar candy beer bottles yesterday- freakin dropped one.
Got up this morning and decided to clean and get laundry done- ran out of laundry detergent
Hubby opened his jury summons- it's not for him, it's for me.
Did laundry- washer is leaking.

I freakin give up.
Well..................... the local hobby shop is having a local contest. Do you think they would have any one of EIGHT 1/72 kits I want? NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Do you think they would have the three WWII Navy fuselage colors I want? NNNOOOOOOOOOO! I get sooooo bloody tired of going in there. I will have to fork over the 7.40 for a train to the CBD and go to Hobbyco, again. G*D DA**IT
Well..................... the local hobby shop is having a local contest. Do you think they would have any one of EIGHT 1/72 kits I want? NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Do you think they would have the three WWII Navy fuselage colors I want? NNNOOOOOOOOOO! I get sooooo bloody tired of going in there. I will have to fork over the 7.40 for a train to the CBD and go to Hobbyco, again. G*D DA**IT

Time to call Craig again....:D:D:D

Now...what annoyed me today...fitting the wings to my Heinkel He111...what a friggin pain in the @ss....no nice clean fit here....
$%##$ %^Y$%$% %$$$%T$T SOB neck and shoulder are still killing me this morning. Three days of this!!! Can't turn my head to the left without shooting pain. Not going to the Doctor either as all he will tell me is to put an ice pack on it, then a hot pack and to rest it!!!! Going to have to get a gigantic bottle of Ibuprofen duting my lunch hour today and take a dozen or so of them!!!
How did you do on the paper ?
Paper went well....I had to do a forensic report on the 1989 explosion of the USS Iowa's number 2 turret. Pretty interesting, if gruesome, stuff.

Have to watch my sick brother all day, and through part of the night.

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