What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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Found myself looking frward to Monday all weekend. Was in a severly bad mood for most of this past weekend. One thing after another just got my anger going and it got worse and worse with each little incident. Plus the cell phone kept ringing at inconvenient times, and I hate talking on the phone. Finally took it out of my pocket and tossed it across the room.
Never thought I'd find myself looking forward to going back to work on a Monday morning.
Monday we had to put to sleep my girlfriends cat of 13 years. We recently found it had a thyroid problem and started treating her for it. Now the other day she was really out of it. So we took her back only to find she had a mass.
just about to go to work, running the pastry section in the kitchen today i hate being the cake monkey, far too much weighing and measuring stuff just like being back at college !
and you are last out of the kitchen after service
Allergies again!!! Time to get a fresh batch of Claratin. I hate taking the stuff as it seems to make me feel too jittery, but the alternative is a nasty headache, blurred vision, and a rotten disposition (well, more rotten than usual anyway).
My own f*cking stupidity...

8 months ago, I wrote to Library and Archives Canada concerning my great-uncle (my father's uncle) who fought in WWII. I didn't have much info, as that man didn't talk too much of his time at war... And the fact that my father was only 4 in 1939.

I knew his name, his father's name (a Danish immigrant), approximately where he was born (either Chicoutimi or Montmagny) and his year of birth (which I had to calculate according to my father's memories)... I wrote in my letter that he was born somewhere between 1901 and 1905.

Well, Library and Archives Canada wrote back to me this morning only to tell me that according to the info I gave, they couldn't track him back as being part of the Canadian Army. So I went to the local cimetery to find his grave... And I found it within a minute : "Roland Larsen - 1913-1974"

So I wrote back to Library and Archives Canada and told them about the correct date... Now, I hope it won't take them 8 more months to answer that letter.
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We had to put my cat to sleep today. He's had bone cancer since January. His mind was still working, but his body was shutting down. He couldn't even get up to got to the bathroom. I'm gonna miss him. :(

Sorry to hear that Vassili, my aunt would probably be really sad about this, she is in fact, fond of cats.

Messed up my 109E-4 today, thus more work to do later...

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