What Annoyed You Today? (2 Viewers)

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Not being able to find the version of the song "Axel F" that was used in the movies in Itunes....oh, and spending half the night awake because my throat felt like it was one fire...only for it to disappear this morning.
Wrenched my neck again in my sleep Sunday morning. was just starting to feel better from the last incident a couple weeks ago. Can't pivot, twist, or tilt my head to the left without major pain. Advil isn't helping much. May have to soak my head in a bucket of warm water for several minutes!!!
Worked too hard yesterday, so my stupid back's acting up today.
Strong painkillers work too well, I've slept something like 12-14 hours, and am totally bombed in the head. Hate it.
Had a publication come out that I totally disagree with. But as an old friend said, "When Titans clash, Matt get out of the way".

Unfortunately, I have to defend that dang publication as Program Manager.
Truck has been giving me fits lately. Intermittant rear end boucing up and down when brake applied. Most times it's pretty good, others the back end feels like it's going to bounce me off the road or throw me through the roof. Suspect it's a warped Rotor, but not sure why it's so intermittant. Looks like I'll be working on the truck instead of relaxing on Saturday. Thankfully it has rear rotors and not the old Drum Brake setup, I hate working on Drum brakes!!! May as well change oil while I'm at it.

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