What Annoyed You Today?

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My wife is completely disabled with M.S. I recently lost my job. Daughter is pregnant and unmarried. Cat had to be taken to the pound. Sometimes when I go down to the model room I have to just sit there for 15-20 minutes and let my mind clear enough so I won't ruin something but eventually I get there and BOY does it help to have that hobby, completely takes me away for as long as I can be down there.

Hang in there buddy, find your solace in the places you least expect.
Stupid woman driver continually trying to cut in front of me in rush hour traffic this morning. Just after passing a car accident on the freeway this stupid be'yoche tries to come roaring past me in the right lane and cut in front of me. I just kept my same speed up and she could not pull in front of me, she tried this two times before I pulled up next to her and cussed her out. I knew the type, weave in and out of cramped traffic, tailgating the whole way. Third time she finally got in front of me and low and behold she rode the bumper of the hext car.
Up the road a bit there was another accident, I hate to say this, but since it happend anyway I hope it was her!!! Hope she or anyone else was hurt, but I hope if it was her she smashed her car up!!! Maybe the they would learn, but I doubt it!!!
Finally going to get the last wee buckets of Humbrol for my kits, and then the darned shop's closed, they don't open again until next week. *mutters something nasty in danish*
I've spilled the paint while painting my Mustang model. Wasn't careful for just a moment and not only I've lost almost half of the paint but I've messed up the carpet bigtime!! ](*,)#-o
I just did the same last night Igor, but only the desl caught the mess!
Karl, that's a sign they're going to be stuffed without you! At least you'll get some extra cash though.
Changeable weather (or maybe volcanic dust), making the pressure jump up and down like a fiddler's elbow. It's causing all sorts of aches and immobility, due to this stupid disease.
Got an answer from Library and Archives Canada concerning my great-uncle who seved during WWII... I wrote them back after receiving the first letter stating that "according to the info I gave, they could not track him back as being part of the Canadian Forces". I then noticed that I made a mistake on his birth year, and send them a second letter.

Well, in that new answer, they managed to make two mistakes :

1 - Treating my correction request as a new request (got a new reference number, even though I did mention the right reference number in my letter), so I have to wait 8 more months.
2 - They managed to f*ck up the name, changing "Roland Larsen" for "John Larson".

WTF ? Do they only hire retards at gouvernment offices ?

I managed to find their phone number and I called them. I had to leave a message as the office was closed. They should call me back tomorrow.
I would like to clear the town hall hot for AH-1s since they keep playing the same Justin Bieber songs over and over again and it's not getting any better. And the play it loudly and I am a 100 feet away. *Sigh*
Well it wasn't today, it was yesterday!!!! First 9 holes 22 magnificent points. Why do I keep tahing a break at the turn with the other three guys. Lost my rythem, pace and timing. Eleven bloody points on the back 9. You other golfers will know what I mean! Four no pointer holes and 2 one pointers, still eleven points. But a total of 33 is just crap. Playing off 21 handicap and want to get under 20 just once in my old age! I just hope tomorrow will be different! Bill

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