What Annoyed You Today?

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I can't take much more. Been run ragged for two days dealing with my Uncles funeral, getting his belonings in order, getting upset with my sister and brother-in-law for showing up too late for the funeral, and now find out that my Fathers 93 year old sister was taken to the Hospital a couple days ago.
This is my second day of work in nearly two weeks and I find myself not able to function well due to fatigue, stress, and illness. I think I'm going to crawl off somewhere on my own this weekend and do absolutely nothing.
Infinity Ward trying to charge $13.99 for a map pack (on Call of Duty Modern Warfare: 2) that has 3 maps from the original Modern Warfare, and 2 brand new maps. I'm just glad to see that developers of the series are jumping out of Infinity Ward.

For those confused, I'm talking about the PC version, where previous to this, all map packs and updates were free!
My dad decided that 25,000 dollars is a good deal on a car...... so now we have four cars...that new car is in the midst of them JUST spending no more than 250,000 dollars to get a new kitchen, bedroom, addition on the house, and painting the house.

The mom is so pleased with him.....
Starting the day with a mild headache, only to make it a lot worse by whacking the back of my head into an iron rod that's part of the building I work in. Dayum, I saw most of our solar system and several stars, too!
Spent the next half hour with ice cubes wrapped in a towel, put on my head.
Crazy thing was: denting the bean removed the annoying headache! :lol:

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