What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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Finally getting rid of my winter cold...only to realise that the pollen season has be...be..beeeh...*aaaCHOOOO!!!*...gun! *sniffle* *rubs eyes* *cleans monitor*

Hope you get better Maria. Luckily the large tree outside my house isn't blooming flowers just yet. When it does, it's non-stop sneezing and the darn itchy nose.

Well today, I had to walk half a kilometer to the convenience store in the 34° C heat to get my little sister's milk after a pharmacy told me they were out of stock. The heat is darn unrelenting.
Monday morning, back to work. Bady aches from a weekend of looking for Wild Turkeys in the woods and on the roads. Put 500 miles on the truck and what feels like 500 miles on foot and only saw 4, maybe 5 Wild Turkeys. Not good, afraid the deep and crusted snow caused a lot to perish from not being able to get to food and starving along with an exploding Coyote population in the state. Hopefully the spring is not too wet so the Hens can hatch lots of little ones.
annoying ? thats entertainment

Not when the person in question try to ram his religion down your...halo, or something.
And said person is someone who you're highly allergic to already. (One of the local loonies...argh...)

I don't mind people being religious, that's their own sake between them and their god.
What I do mind and don't like, is when people don't respect a "You've got your religion, I haven't got any and I don't want one, so shut the **** up, **** off fer ****'s sake and leave me the **** alone!"

its still entertainment, tell them about a miracle or something, get them wound up
SIGNATURES just seem to stimey me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I must say Wurger came to this old blokes rescue and got my new one UP! doesn't sound right does it? oh well.
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To go with the effing slow Internet, the PC is as slow as a snail, and Photo-shop takes more than two minutes just to resize a photo.

I run CCleaner on start-up

My PC world is now beautiful ! (note make sure you get the genuine free version from, say, File Hippo)
Spring allergies!!!! Took a Claritin D this morning and it's not helping so maybe it's something else? Pressure in my head makes it feel like my eyeballs are going to shoot across the room!!!

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