What Annoyed You Today? (1 Viewer)

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Yes and the last time I saw this happen...........
THEY had nothing to split..........................
THEN She wanted back................................
THEN They had stuff................................
BUT She told someone her plan.................
THEN the neighbors helped Him "sell" the stuff.........
SHE had no idea what was going on...................
HE told Her he was getting all New stuff............
SHE was oblivious................
THEN He filed for divorce..................
The house He bought was in hock.............
SHE was left out in the cold, so to speak!!!!!
HE got the neighbor who helped him.........
He lived happily ever after, in another state!!!!!!
Just got a bill from Shasta County for $1,413.00 to repay "general assistance".

So I called them to find out why I am being billed for "general assistance" and she says "oh, you received general assistance back in May of 2000".

Um...I what? WTF is general assistance and why am I being billed for it over 22 years later?
Just got a bill from Shasta County for $1,413.00 to repay "general assistance".

So I called them to find out why I am being billed for "general assistance" and she says "oh, you received general assistance back in May of 2000".

Um...I what? WTF is general assistance and why am I being billed for it over 22 years later?
Just looked it up out of curiosity and came up with this:
General Assistance provides three months of cash assistance to eligible, employable adults and provides longer-term assistance to eligible adults who are temporarily disabled or who are awaiting Supplemental Security Income (SSI) approval.

I also asked if it had to be paid back. Answer:
No. You do not have to pay back your GA cash assistance. If cash assistance is issued to you while your application for Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment (SSI/SSP) is being processed, the county may recover money from your initial retroactive SSI/SSP payment once approved.

Maybe someone is trying to scam you. :D
Just got a bill from Shasta County for $1,413.00 to repay "general assistance".

So I called them to find out why I am being billed for "general assistance" and she says "oh, you received general assistance back in May of 2000".

Um...I what? WTF is general assistance and why am I being billed for it over 22 years later?
Then I might be expecting a letter from Disability payments in 1968?!
Prices have steadily been going up for years. Post pandemic even more.
Airlines are like turbojets: they spool down nearly instantaneously, but spool up much more slowly, especially if you try to jam accelerate them and generate a compressor stall. Witness Southwest post pandemic. Demand has way outstripped capacity, the training departments are going 24/7, and supply and demand drives prices. Remember, every crewmember trained at the top of the food chain generates a ripple effect all the way down the chain.
Airlines are like turbojets: they spool down nearly instantaneously, but spool up much more slowly, especially if you try to jam accelerate them and generate a compressor stall. Witness Southwest post pandemic. Demand has way outstripped capacity, the training departments are going 24/7, and supply and demand drives prices. Remember, every crewmember trained at the top of the food chain generates a ripple effect all the way down the chain.

That is correct.
Just got a bill from Shasta County for $1,413.00 to repay "general assistance".

So I called them to find out why I am being billed for "general assistance" and she says "oh, you received general assistance back in May of 2000".

Um...I what? WTF is general assistance and why am I being billed for it over 22 years later?
Inquiring minds want to know. Please keep us posted.
Received summons for court duty about a month ago, set to start next week so I looked at the papers a little closer today, being sent to a courthouse that is not in the county I even live in. I didn't think it worked that way in Minnesota, I was under the belief that you were to go to the courthouse in the county you reside in. Now I have to waste more of my time calling the local govt to straighten that out.
I remember getting called for jury duty when I lived in Texas. Room had like 150 people in it. Some murder, hit and run, something like that. Judge was calling people up, asking questions. When it was my turn, she said, could you be fair and impartial, I said, no. She said dismissed.I said thank you.
Many years ago, I was called up for Jury duty for a.pending case against a repeat pedophile.

When asked if I could be impartial, I told the judge (while looking the asshole eye to eye) "give me two minutes with this guy in a locked room, your Honor and we won't have to waste the tax payers' or court's time".

I was dismissed on the spot...
Buck: It could be for a District Court.... Been called a number of times between city, county, state and federal courts. Only had to ask to be excused one time, and it was a District Court. Case involved a lawsuit between an HOA and group of property owners. I asked to be moved to another pool, as the HOA I was in, was involved in a number of similar suits at the time. Told the judge that I could be impartial, but was worried about cost to all parties should there be any challenges come up related to my situation and being on the jury. Got the pass and never got called again for the District. Been on city and county juries three times now, and in the final pool 3 times.
Always a bride's maid and never a bride. I always don't get picked for the best cases. I was picked for an assault case. We were dismissed because the crazy Peron fired is lawyer and was going to represent himself. Another was a murder case in a robbery. I was not picked. Something about a family friend was shot in the head while making donuts in his donut shop. He sold his convenience store for something safer. Another case took over 8 hours to not get picked. The young lady was fighting her prison conviction as a drunk driver that killed a family of four because it was not fair to her daughter. Really? My favorite was the one invoking the arrest of a stripper for drugs, coke. Like that ever happens. The arresting cop was accused by her of doing drugs with her and her John. It was going to be a good show. Like I am going to believe anything a stripper would say. LoL.i had to drive over an hour to district court in rush hour traffic only to seat around for an hour. We were dismissed because the clerk could not find the judge.
I was called to Jury Duty nine years ago on a serial rapist trial. We put him away for life without the possibility of parole.

I was happy to serve on the trial as well. I truly believe it is part of how our legal system should work. I did not try to get out of it, and was happy I was chosen.

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