Not long after I moved to Southern Calif in 1978 there was a horrific crime. A man in his early 30's raped a 14 year old girl in a public wilderness park and then tried to kill her by cutting her arms off. The girl did not die and described running down the road to get help, "holding her arms up to keep the muscles from falling out." Lindsey Wagner visited her in the hospital. They caught the criminal and gave him only 20 years in jail.
After I moved to FL in the 1990's I heard that criminal had served his time and was planning on relocating to the Tampa area. People there protested but he had the right to move there. Within 2 weeks of arriving he raped and murdered a woman. He died in prison.
I guess it is not feasible to order the death penalty for a rape without murder, but surely CA could have at least given him life without parole.
I remember that case ... Lawrence something was his name. It was being adjudicated while I was in high school.