Jeez Bucksnort, good thing it didn't end up much worse!
My laugh of the day:
Went to the local supermarket to pick up the basics late this afternoon.
Got my groceries and was busy packing stuff in my backpack, when a tiny boy, age 2 or 3 or thereabouts, stumbles over to me and hollers: "Hi dad!"
Yes I've got short hair, and I
was wearing black work pants and black work jacket suitable for a carpenter or a truck driver, plus a black baseball cap from a famous tool company, and sturdy work boots, but:
DAD??? Now
THAT was a new one!
When I had finished packing my stuff, I went outside to walk home, and the more I thought about it, the more hilarious it became. I ended up walking home with a big grin plastered all over my face.
I mean: I do admit that I've said and done a lot of wild and crazy things in my time on this planet, and you can prolly blame me for some interesting things, but being a DAD sure as he** isn't one of them!