What Cheered You Up Today?

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Having read a bit about the severe draughts in Australia I'm very glad for you guys down under. It's great you finally have that much water. Hopefully the bush can recover some what from that terrible dry spell.

First on line order hay Maria, once you get the bug, it's hard to stop. Happy future shopping.

...oh damn...*theatrical sobbing* *giggle* Thanks anyway.

Say Maria, is this for the Bf 109 you supposedly are building?????

Nope. The Galland figure is a 1/thirtysomething-size, the 109 is 1/48...I think. Can't remember.
Will upload pics when I've shot them in a few mins.
Wait, I'd better start that "BikerBabe's 109"-thread too...dayum!

Anyway, my good things today:
Had a great night last night at the museum.
Once a year, most museums in Copenhagen plus a lot of other places, arrange something that's called "Cultural Night" (Kulturnat), and so everything's open from 4 in the afternoon until midnight.
People can buy cheap "Culture Night"-passes (85 DKK/approx. 8£/5.29 US$), which gives them access to all the places for free, plus the pass also covers bus-, train- and metro-fares all night, so it's also easy to get around and go see things.

Places like the danish parliament, the zoo (not that there's much of a difference there...maybe except for the audience numbers...*snort* *giggle*), and lots of museums in Copenhagen - including the Police Museum, where I work, is included in this arrangement.
We opened at 6 o'clock in the evening and stayed open until midnight.

A lot of people visited our museum, kids stayed up late to go exploring with their parents, and there was a generally good mood in the town, with lots of people on the streets and all over the place.

The educational service at the museum had set up some fun for the smaller kids, where they could make their own police badges; I popped in at a point to see how it was going, and the gathered kids were very busy and concentrated, making their badges, colouring them with crayons and all - they had fun.

We also had three retired colleagues coming in to dress up in 1900's-style police uniforms, they then went outside and talked with the passers-by, telling them about the museum and urging them to visit us - the building is hidden behind a lot of scaffolding these days (restorations work), so a lot of people don't even know the museum's there.

There was a general good mood at the museum which was great, and we had a little over 600 visitors last night.
And at midnight, my colleague Per offered me a ride to the station in the town where I live, which I really appreciated.
Having been busy most of the day and all evening, you get sore feet, so I really loved not having to find the nearest bus, then go to the metro station, and then having to hope to catch the last train home at Vanløse.

I did remember to bring my bicycle lights, so that I didn't have to walk home from the station, too.
And I got my crystal vase back, that the museum had borrowed for the opening of the Greenland exhibit - nice!
So I didn't have to carry that all the way home, too. I like.

And I've been having a good night's sleep, relaxing, and freakin' out to a bit of Runrig, too - it's a good thing that I live alone!
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Just found out that the procedure we use for mailing out catalog requests is going to be much easier for me at work next year! We are having a company do our catalog this year that we used for years in the past and did a great job. Once again all I'll have to do is email them a spreadsheet with the mailing info, and they'll handle the rest! I no longer will have to attach a label and indentia to each catalog every few weeks. Have to have at least 300 requests to do a mailing with the USPS!! Made my year!!!

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