What Cheered You Up Today?

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Was feeling a bit sore all over, a little feverish, a little uncomfortable physically, was constantly a little tired and out of sorts, but not to such a degree that I felt like I was getting ill or anything.
And suddenly it strikes me:
It's the same symptoms you've got when you've caught a flu, only a lot milder.
Hmmmm, it seems like my flu shot is working, I don't think I'll be getting the flu now.
And that is a good thought.
Tonight's dinner: Steak.
Here's how I like it: Kick off the horns, wipe its a$$ and throw it on the plate!
Serve with boiled 'taters and mushroom sauce that can stand on its own...*drooooools*
Now that the snow and ice has thawed (for a day or so, then more s***), I finally got into my car, and got it going. It seems OK, although I'm now bl**dy stiff and sore!
Yippee, maybe I can get out to the model shop now,and get some paint/thinners/ plastic rod - and no kit, honest!

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