What Cheered You Up Today?

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I just picked up an incredible deal on eBay. A Curtiss Hawk 75 M/N/O in 1/48th by Hobby Craft. I've been looking for one of these for a year now, but every time I see one its $40-$50 This one was in a lot of 4 models and the Hawk 75 wasn't even in the description, so that's why I got the whole lot for $22!!

And that also included:

Hawker Seafury FB Mk II in 1/48th by Hobby Craft
P-38J Lightning "Virginia Marie" in 1/48th by Hasegawa
Westland Lysander Mark III in 1/48th by Italeri

I think I have my entry for the Foreign Service Service Group Build!
Sure made my day!!
Going to a friend's birthday this afternoon, and when I got in the door, I got a spontaneous hug from a 4-year old girl as a welcome, without anyone telling her to hug me or even just say hello.
I totally melted on the spot and gave Mia (the girl) a huge hug which made her laugh!
Last time I saw her, I photographed her when she was being baptized at the church.
The sun is shining, and when I wne into the basement to find my Spitfire book, I found (among other things) two really nice old fountain pens that I had forgotten that I had.
Today's motorcycle ride in sunshine, almost no wind, clear blue sky, zero clouds - we almost got around the fiords in Northern Sjælland/Zealand:

Start - Ledøje - Hove - Roskilde Harbour (Ice cream break) - Boserup - Kattinge - Munkholm (Lunch- and photo break: Plenty of veteran cars and ditto motorcycles passing by) - Arnakke - Holbæk - Vig - Ellinge Lyng (Beach break, complete with singing skylark and waves gently lapping against the beach, while yours truly snoozed a bit) - Rørvig (Dinner) - Hundested - Frederiksværk - Frederikssund - Stenløse - Home.

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